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Tag: Stefan Professional Recruiting

Afternoon Brief, August 4

Natural Cocktail Used to Prevent, Treat Pierce's Disease: It's happy hour at a lab in College Station. The cocktail of choice, developed by scientists with Texas A&M AgriLife Research, is one that stops or prevents the deadly Pierce's disease on wine grapes

Afternoon Brief, July 24

'Herbicide Drift' Destroyed 12 Tons of high-End Grapes, Pinot Noir Winemaker Claims: A prominent Oregon winemaker claims that herbicide drifted over from a grass-seed farmer's field and destroyed a high-end grape crop

Wine Industry Job Board Offers One Hundred $1 Job Postings

WIN Jobs: Value - Expertise - Reach Celebrating the launch of the WINjobboard.com employment site, WIN Jobs is offering $1 job postings for the first...

How to Convert Your Job Interview into a Business Meeting

For the Job Seeker – Advice from a Recruiting Expert Do you find that the words “job interview” cause you to start sweating with nervous...